- Amy Susi
Mother of five great kids, four boys, one little lady. I have been a graphic artist, taught preschool, art, 6th grade, special education, behavior challenges and I have been a lunchlady. Narcolepsy, ADD, GAD, EDS and POTS = all anagrams for a chill life. Annoyingly optimistic. Professional procrastinator. I love to read, listen to Audible and music, relax with a movie or mobile game obsession of the week. Dog lover but instead have four cats. I wish I could speak another language. |
- Amy SusiI’m the one on the right with the crazy curly hair. I have five children—four boys and one little lady. I’m a lucky mama, and all five are doing well, with the older three in college. I must be doing something right!
Growing up, you're always asked what you’d like to be. My answer every time was, “a mom, an artist, and happy.” Check, check, check! Little ones and drawing have always been my passions, so it only made sense to combine the two—and that’s how I checked off the third! After high school, I moved to Mobile, AL, to earn my Bachelor of Fine Arts degree from the University of South Alabama. I worked briefly in graphic design before teaching preschool. Back then, we had no assistants, 20 students, and a mix of neurotypical and neurodivergent children in one class, from 6 AM to 6 PM—and I loved every minute of it! That’s when I discovered my strength in working with "behavior-challenged" children. I took a break to raise my own little ones, but when my boys started school, I found I missed teaching. I worked toward obtaining my teaching certificate in Art and Special Education with additional training in ASD and behavior. When I moved to Florida in 2009, I took the leap and started my photography business, Susi Photography. By 2017, it had grown so much that I needed a partner! Caitie Beth Nelson had a style similar to mine, so I reached out to her, and Amy & Caitie Photography was born. We've enjoyed working together ever since, each focusing on our strengths—Caitie handles communication, and I’m the technical expert. We both shoot our own sessions, but I edit the images. Caitie leads weddings, couples, and morning sessions, while I focus on school portraits, senior sessions, and sessions with lots of children. |